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Topaz Arts presents "Case Studies" and officially launches Found Bound Rebound

Case Studies.

TOPAZ ARTS presents Case Studies - a group exhibition featuring artists Joseph Paul Fox | Ged Merino | Roger Rothstein | Junko Yamada On view March 12 to May 7, 2016 Opening reception: Sat, March 12, 3-6pm at TOPAZ ARTS, 55-03 39th Avenue, Woodside, NY #7 to 61st St. or R, M to Northern Blvd. Case Studies, curated by Todd B. Richmond and Paz Tanjuaquio, is inspired by Joseph Cornell, an influential American artist who lived most of his life on Utopia Parkway in Queens where he created his renowned works. For the group exhibition, we've selected New York City artists whose works take a contemporary approach to collage, assemblage, encasing, and sculpture - featuring Joseph Paul Fox, Ged Merino, Roger Rothstein, and Junko Yamada.

Paz Tanjuaquio, Co-Founding Director TOPAZ ARTS, Inc. | ph: 718-505-0440 |

I'm honored to be included in this group show and the opportunity to launch Found Bound and Rebound at my favorite art space in Queens. Right in our own backyard too! Found Bound Rebound started last year at FABNYC where I hosted a repurposing workshop. Several Theatre workshops in the Lower East Side were donating costumes and scrap fabrics. We invited participants to donate and bind the shoes with the donated fabrics. At some point during the exhibition. The shoes will come down, boxed and shipped to Manila for the culmination of the project at a show presented by The Drawing Room Contemporary. The shoes will be unbound and donated to the Haiyan Typhoon Victims. UHSM Batch 76 hosted a similar workshop for FBR Manila ed. during their Grand Reunion last Feb. Thank you Olive and Ruby.


© 2015 Ged Merino 

Bliss on Bliss Art Projects 4149 45th St. Sunnyside NY 11104

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